
What do you get when you mix Snapple, The NSAC, a team of dedicated, passionate, admittedly odd advertising students, late nights, and mounds of Chinese food?

You get our 2016 NSAC Snapple Campaign. 

The Ask: Create an integrated holistic marketing campaign for 2017 that will drive trial and increase consumption.

Here's how we did it.

The Copywriters: Pibby Cardozo (moi), Lindsay Adam, Jodie Day, Natalie Nascenzi, Jasmine Turner, Lorianna Logan, Sarah Bararula

The Art Directors: Dan Osterholt, Michael Danz, Shane Ranger, Karissa Palmer, Danielle Leung, Jayson Braynen, Randi Richards

My Favorite Part: Our creative team developed a fictional disease based on an insight our research team discovered: it takes over 90 seconds for the average person to pick a soft beverage from a cooler. The disease? Indecisionitis, brought on by too many drink options. The cure? Just grab a Snapple.
